A “rule-of-law control system” must be introduced in the Constitution, the Democratic Party has proposed.
“Such a system would constrain abuses of power, ensure equal treatment of citizens and ensure public interest,” the party says in one of its 12 key proposals for constitutional reform.
Presenting the PD’s proposals to President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca last week, party leader Godfrey Farrugia said that the drafting of the new Constitution should be left to experts in the field, both local and foreign.
The PD’s other proposals are:
Parliament’s ability to override the Constitution must end. The power of the Constitutional Court to annul unconstitutional laws must be installed;
The independence of the judiciary needs to be strengthened. International best practices must be in place to eliminate structural weaknesses and conflict of interests;
The media (fourth estate) must be pluralistic and completely free of political parties. The true independence of the Broadcasting Authority and the Freedom of Information need redress. A media Ombudsman needs to be set up;
An independent anti-corruption body must be set up. This would also be able to investigate criminality within the…