Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne has described the budget for 2020 as the best in history and noted that it could only be done due to the government’s successes in the past years. 

It is a budget which puts people’s minds at rest and which makes sure that today everyone will feel like they are in a better place than yesterday, Fearne said in a press conference on Tuesday before noting that the challenges that the labour government had inherited had mostly been beaten. This being said, Fearne noted that there were still challenges being faced such as in the rental market, with people still at risk of poverty, and with employers struggling to find workers.

The Deputy Prime Minister noted however that the government had the solutions for these problems and for future problems, and rattled off a number of initiatives which were mentioned by Scicluna during his two and a half hour speech such as incentives for low emission cars, the cut-off dates for the import and sale of single-use plastic, free public transport for those over 75 years of age, widening the eligibility for rent subsidies, measures for first time and second time buyers, and a raft of social measures such as the increase in pensions.

These measures continue to show that the government can address the problems of the countries, Fearne said; “This is a pro-business budget, a pro-environment budget, a pro-worker budget; we are proud that we are not afraid of taking decisions for the side of society that needs them most.  It is a budget in favour of Malta; a budget of success; a budget that puts people’s minds at rest”.

Finance Minister Edward Scicluna meanwhile said that there had been positive reactions from the media for the budget.  He said though that it is possible that not everything is agreed upon, noting that there is space for discussion.

In general, he said, the budget is addressing issues which people are feeling in real life, he said.  He noted that it reflects on the government, and shows that the government is on the ball and aware of the local and international issues, challenges, and opportunities.

He said that amidst the priority given to new emerging industries such as artificial intelligence, space, and e-sports, it cannot be forgotten that economic growth and fiscal expenditure are the most important points to keep in mind.

Scicluna noted that discretionary expenditure – the money available for new measures – had risen from €8 million in 2013 to €80 million this year, which is a record high figure and which helps with introducing measures which aim to solve people’s problems.

Finally, he said that the budget touches upon every call for help, however small it is. The measures were chosen not only on the basis of financial impact, but also on social impact, which is why pensioners were given priority.   He said that people in their houses know that the government is smart, on the ball, and is delivering with this budget.