The Democratic Party said on Monday that its Qrendi local council candidate, Charles Polidano, was physically attacked outside his home.
The party did not say if he was injured but said a police report has been filed.
The assault happened just outside his home in front of a friend and fellow resident.
The incident, it said, “shows that the tyranny of intolerance is becoming bolder.”
“The attacker left no ambiguity that it was a politically motivated attack arising from Polidano’s candidacy for the local council election on the PD ticket,” it added.
“This is yet another textbook example of the tragedy which grips our democracy, where it becomes clear how many people prefer not to voice their political opinions out of fear of physical, social and professional consequences. Instances like these continue to demonstrate how all who oppose the government are crushed under the boots of its partisan followers, who evidently fear no retribution for their bad behaviour,” deputy leader Timothy Alden said.
He insisted the party and its candidates will not be intimidated. 
Questioned after the statement was issued Mr Alden said Mr Polidano had back pain and would be going to a health centre.