Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna today laid flowers and blessed the Addolorata Cemetery grave of Guze Ellul Mercer, who, like many others, had been interdicted by the Church and was buried in a non-consecrated section of the cemetery. 

The Archbishop said of that episode in history: ‘Buried here are thousands of Maltese and there has been a wall between those who died at peace with the Church and others. Today that wall fell. And I would ask pardon for the walls built to separate our dead.’

The Archbishop sought forgiveness for the walls built in the past at the Addolorata Cemetery to separate people who died in peace with the Church from others.

Labour deputy leader Chris Fearne said that he appreciated the gesture.

In a tweet, Opposition Leader Adrian Delia praised the ASrchbishop’s move, saying that the gesture is appreciated by everyone and should serve as a basis for more unity.

Pass importanti mill-Arċisqof. Pjaga li, ħafna snin wara, ħalliet il-marka tagħha. Minkejja d-differenzi ta’ bejnietna aħna lkoll aħwa Maltin. Ġest apprezzat minn kulħadd. Nibnu fuqu. @BishopScicluna @Newsbook_com_mt

— Adrian Delia (@adriandeliapn) November 2, 2019

Apprezzajt hafna li l-Isqof Scicluna zar u bierek l-oqbra tal-#mizbla. Rispett lejn min emmen fis-sewwa. @Archdiocese_MT

— Chris Fearne (@chrisfearne) November 2, 2019