President George Vella said the mistakes of one or two soldiers, great as they may be, do not reflect on the Armed Forces of Malta. 
Dr Vella was speaking during a recent visit to the AFM weeks after two soldiers were arrested in relation to the murder of a man from the Ivory Coast.  The shooting is believed to be the first racially-motivated murder in the country. 
Thanking the army for “its impeccable work” and operations to save people’s lives at sea, the President said the army was exemplary to other countries in terms of the number of rescues and humanitarian aid it provided. He thanked soldiers for putting Malta’s interests first.
The President also thanked soldiers’ relatives for their continuous support. “They often go through tough times while their relatives are out on a mission while waiting for them to return home,” he said.
Brigadier Jeffrey Curmi said the President’s visit helped give a clear picture of the roles of the AFM. These roles required hard work and dedication, he said.